Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Songs for a Tuesday Morning: Sex Machines and the Broken-Hearted

Texas is burning, New York is drowning, half the people I know are floundering, and the other half are out there somewhere I guess--God knows--I don't.  So until God figures out that you  make it fucking rain where the fires are, let's all boogie down by answering two musical questions:

1.  What do you get when you cross this guy

with these guys?

Answer:  This guy:

Whole Lotta Sex Machine

2. And what happens when you remix Jimmy Ruffin so he sounds like a trailer for an indie movie?

Why this, of course:

Chasing The Broken-Hearted

Take it to the bridge, people, cuz unhappiness is just an illusion.

1 comment:

Horvendile said...

Is that "just an illusion" or "just unillusion?"