God's birthday present to me: the fact that this seminal (in all senses of the word) work is back in print. Yeah, the color is muted and different from the original (he said, checking pages against the Graphitti reprints of the First trades that I picked up this winter) which means the graphic design elements don't jump out at you the way they did 25 years ago, but still. Talk about something that hasn't aged and was wa-a-a-a-ay the hell ahead of it's time. Media-driven culture? Check. More original logos and graphics work per-page than any ten modern magazines? Check. (God bless you, Ken Bruzenak.) Video crawls under CNBC broadcasts? American Flagg had it first. Talking head video driving the story in Dark Knight Returns? Everywhere in American Flagg. All the commercials and video stuff in Robocop? Totally swiped from American Flagg (Chaykin even gets a minor credit to [cough] make up for the fact [cough] that he was ripped off). And the Philip K Dick analogy even holds true to the premise (there's a Mars colony here, just like in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?-hell, just like there is in almost every Dick novel). Highly recommended.
Where's volume 2?!?!
Still waiting . . .
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