One of the extras that was shown during the Toby Dammit evening was a series of videos created by Isabella Rossellini that'll be running online here starting on May 5th and then broadcast on the Sundance Channel. The reason why the videos were part of a Fellini evening? Fellini used to work with Roberto Rossellini, Isabella's father. The subject of the videos? Insect sex.
We saw 4 clips: the firefly, the common fly, the queen bee, and the earthworm. They were alternately creepy and goofy, but totally entertaining. Their tone and subject reminded me a lot of this book, which is required reading for anyone who has ever wondered how long stick-insect copulation lasts for (10 weeks) and roughly how many species of females eat their lovers either before, during, or after sex (not counting investment bankers, that would be 80).
And here's the website.
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