As Neil Gaiman says, "Oh Good." Remember those guys who created Superman? They never legally owned any rights to the character.
Until now.You can go
here for the ruling, which includes a full color reproduction of the very first Superman story. For the view from Hollywood?
Nikki Finke, of course.Grupo Corpo: Benguelê and Breu, BAM.
One program was thrilling and fun, the other was thrilling and dark. If you go to dance looking for dazzling athleticism and dizzying routines, you'll be very happy. If you go looking for drama and story, you'll feel cheated, except for a couple of duets in Breu that are borderline domestic violence. To me, the "seen it all before" quality to the choreography is balanced by "don't see enough of stuff like this," and the beautiful symmetry of a lot of Benguelê is just as stunning as the beautiful chaos in Breu. And yeah, Breu could have been darker and more chaotic, but I have enough of that going on in my life to want to pay for seeing it in somebody else's. (And yes, I have now officially turned into my mother.)
"Mommy mommy, why is my hand shaped like a claw?" "Shut up, son, and keep writing." On the train back and forth from Boston, I scribbled out a total of 30 handwritten pages for the Roman novel. I have no desire to type any of that up until I see a movie, and no ability to type it all up until I soak my right hand for half a day like an overworked relief pitcher.Her nibs.
More details later today; I'm still trying to get my head around the intro to
With God On Our Side: "I learned this next song in 1962. From the author. At a party."
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