Then go see Au Revoir, Parapluie at BAM before it closes on December 16th.
And yes, it's heretical to mention Keaton because choreographer/star James Thiérrée is actually the grandson of Charlie Chaplin. But watching him force his feet to walk or try to put on a jacket (okay, the jacket bit is pure WC Fields) is like watching an outtake from The General or Sherlock Junior.
Everyone in this piece is fantastic, the mood switches from slapstick to tenderness at the drop of a shuttlecock, and at times the visuals make you think you're watching the live-action version of a Miyazaki movie.
Seriously, I can't recommend this highly enough, and will probably try to see it again before it closes.
I really enjoy your Brantley translation. And agree, of course, with your recommendation.
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